The ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis has led to many tech giants take steps towards boycotting Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. Now, Samsung has taken a new step and has apparently dropped the “Z” from the names of its foldables in some parts of Europe. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3 are now simply being called the Samsung Galaxy Fold 3 and Samsung Galaxy Flip 3 in regions like Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
A report in SamMobile points out that the Samsung website in Ukraine still shows the Samsung foldables with the “Z” branding, but that seems to be because the Ukranian website has not been updated yet. There is no official statement from Samsung, but the change appears to be intentional as not only the text references, but even graphic assets of the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3 have been update to drop the ‘Z’ from the name.
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This, according to reports, is due to the Russia Ukraine crisis. The letter ‘Z’ was spotted on Russian military vehicles during the ongoing military activity in Ukraine, and it is being reported that Russian state-owned news agency RT is selling apparel with a ‘Z’ symbol in support of the country’s invasion of Ukraine. The three countries where Samsung has dropped the ‘Z’ from its foldable names, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia share borders with Russia.
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Samsung earlier this month stopped the sales of its products in Russia to protest the country’s invasion of Ukraine. Samsung has suspended shipments of smartphones and chips to Russia. It is not known if Samsung will rename its foldable smartphones in other regions as well. We have reached out to Samsung for a comment on the same and will update this story as and when a response is received.
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